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Kay Riley Psychic readings northern beac

Kay Riley

Kay Riley Psychic readings northern beac
Kay Riley Psychic readings northern beac

Psychic readings & portraits of your Spirit Guide

Kay Riley Psychic readings northern beac

Meet Kay...

A Unique Psychic Medium

My name is Kay and I am a psychic/clairvoyant living in North Narrabeen on the Northern Beaches in Sydney.


I was trained back in the 1970’s by the well-known psychic medium and author, Dawn Hill. My aim is to bring enlightenment to you from and on the realm of spiritualism, through messages from your guide, your loved one who has passed, or help in dealing with any issues that you are experiencing and/or providing you with information on the spirit world.


The idea of receiving a reading is to give you some clarity in whichever or whatever way you may need at this point in your life journey.



I work with your energy and any spirit that may join in the session.

My background
psychic readings by riley northern beach

How I can  Help

Receiving a reading can help you clarify what may be occurring in your physical life, it can explain what and why something is happening or worrying you.   


One needs to understand that we attract what we face daily and that we do have the ability to change it.

unblock your chakra's and allow the rays of light, energy and hope to enter your life.


Maybe you have just lost someone that was close you, as a psychic I can help provide the closure you may need.


We are here in the physical to fulfil a purpose, from a reading I can help you understand your life's purpose. 



Readings are helpful in that they can help understand why events happen. 

I help you find an answer, be it a new career or direction.

A portrait of your spirit guide is a wonderful thing to have and hang on your wall. 

You can talk to the image, while bringing a comforting feeling to you.


The cards are usually used for looking at the past, present or the future from a question asked before hand.  The cards can be like a story book. You can use 1 card, 5, 7 or a 9 card spread.

My Services

What is the difference between...

A Psychic is an individual who uses extrasensory perception, bringing forth information that is normally not readily available through the normal senses.  It is an adjective and describes an attribute of one who can see the past, the present and the future happenings in a person’s life.


A Medium is an individual who is capable of communicating with those who have passed, and is able to bring forth messages to you, in other words act as an intermediary between the two realms.


Clairvoyancy is the ability to gain information about an object or a person through extrasensory perception.  Able to see beyond the range of ordinary perceptivity – clear seeing.  Having a heightened sense or being extremely perceptive, a person who feels the presence of spirits.


Clairaudience, is to hear sounds, said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience or capacity – hear the voices of individuals who have passed.


What is the difference between...

What Others Say...

I have just had a reading with Kay, the connection was phenomenal and really accurate with what she told me.  


Kay picked upon our new house and a problem that exists with some bushes.   


Thank you so much.       

Janice F

"I`m very happy with the experience of being able to see with my physical eyes what I could already feel for a long time. I feel that my connection with Sharni has grown stronger.


The picture is wonderful, it has its own essence and Kay (Riley) had an absurd sensibility in channelling the message, story and image of my guide."


Wow, what an exciting, exceptional experience I had today, I booked an appointment with Kay, and a couple of days prior to attending, I put out a request that a certain person  that had been a huge part of my life – over 30 years ago now, be in attendance.   I was not disappointed, he turned up and I got answers to questions that have been bothering me for years.  I feel so much better about things now.   Thank you Kay, it really is appreciated.

Chris S.

Thank you Kay.   You were spot on with what you told me. 


I highly recommend Kay for a reading, she always gives that little bit extra.        

Lorraine C

Follow your own intuition,

it will always lead you to the right destination. 


Contact me
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